Humanitarian Assistance Researcher

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USAID Ukraine and Belarus is seeking a local-hire (Ukraine-based), native English-speaking Humanitarian Assistance Researcher (Researcher) to help inform the Mission of ongoing developments related to the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and to draft an assessment of the situation in Ukraine and trajectory including recommendations for U.S. Government (USG) interventions as well as keep the Mission regularly updated on developments in this area. The Researcher will engage a wide range of stakeholders including USAID; regional advisors from the USAID/Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM); other officials from the US Embassy Kyiv; Ukrainian government officials; and members of international humanitarian organizations, development partners, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)—both international and local—in Kyiv and in Eastern Ukraine (Donbas).

The Researcher will need to be available for a total of approximately six months, beginning in January 2018. The Researcher will conduct desk research prior to field research, and follow-up consultations to supplement the interviews conducted during the primary research period. It is anticipated that consultations will be held in Kyiv and in Donbas (e.g., Kramatorsk and Slovyansk, but possibly in Severodonetsk and Mariupol as well).


USAID will recruit and engage a Kyiv-based Researcher, fluent in English, but with some Russian or Ukrainian a plus, and with experience in monitoring, evaluating, and/or reporting on humanitarian crises. The duties of the Researcher will include:

  • Engaging and maintaining relationships and contact with relevant stakeholders described above;
  • Organizing meetings and attending related events;
  • Organizing follow-up meetings with stakeholders which he/she will facilitate; 
  • Acquiring materials for primary and secondary research;
  • Preparing any articles, reports and presentations;
  • Compiling reports based on stakeholder deliberations;
  • Share lessons learned and ensure that these are disseminated widely;
  • Organizing relevant meetings, workshops and conferences.
  • Coordinating logistics and travel for related meetings;
  • Conducting desk research relevant to a final assessment; and 
  • Other duties to be assigned.


  • Educational background in Economics, History, International Relations, Political Science, Psychology, Public Health, Sociology or a related field;
  • Experience in monitoring, evaluating, and/or reporting on humanitarian crises and such experience in Ukraine would be a plus;
  • Be self-motivated, well-organized, resourceful and capable of managing his/her workload independently;
  • Ideally, someone who already has a network among, or is aware of, relevant counterparts in Ukraine (government, academics, think-tank experts, journalists, decision makers etc.) to coordinate with;
  • Ability to interact with and schedule meetings with high-level counterparts from the USG, Government of Ukraine, donor organizations,  international and local NGOs;
  • Written and spoken fluency (native) in English but with some Russian or Ukrainian a plus; and
  • Ability to travel to meetings in Kyiv and/or in Donbas, possibly on short notice, referenced above.


  • Detailed notes (3-5 pages on average, but can be more or less as needed; including an executive summary) of each meeting, event, interview, and/or focus group provide biweekly during the updates to the Mission (see below);
  • List of people (with their contact information)  consulted as part of the Final Assessment;
  • Detailed agenda of meeting schedule updated bi-weekly;
  • Attendance at approximately 2-3 meetings per week and up to approximately 100 meetings overall;
  • Bi-weekly updates to the Mission including a brief presentation of major findings and upcoming events/meetings;
  • An initial Desk Review, including summaries of outside research; and
  • Final Assessment (20 - 25 pages) of the humanitarian situation in Ukraine and trajectory including recommendations for USG interventions.  The assessment should also include a 2-3 page Executive Summary; an identification of humanitarian needs along the Ukraine government-controlled  line of contact (or possibly the non-government controlled side if possible); a mapping of what the USG, other donors, local NGOs, and INGOs are doing to address these needs; an identification of any gaps in addressing needs.

Period of Assignment

January 15 - July 15, 2018 for a total period of not more than 132 days of work (approximately six months at 22 workdays per month on average).

Reporting & Supervision

The Researcher will work from home and report directly to the USAID/Deputy Mission Director or his designate as determined by the Mission.


Please send the completed AID 302-3 and a full budget to include administrative supply cost and level of effort rates by e-mail attachment only to USAID/Procurement Unit at

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Monday, December 18, 2017 - 2:45am