Flag of Kenya


Мова: English

Country contact shim

Speeches Shim

Kenya has the largest, most diversified economy and the second largest population in East Africa. It also has a young, ambitious and well-educated workforce eager to contribute to the development of the country.  As “the gateway to East Africa,” Kenya  plays a vital role as a transportation hub for much of Sub-saharan Africa. 

The friendship between the Republic of Kenya and the United States dates to the dawn of Kenyan independence. As an important developing-country partner, Kenya is a significant recipient of U.S. foreign assistance. For more than 50 years, USAID has worked closely with the Kenyan government, the private sector, and civil society to:

  • Advance access to education;
  • Improve quality healthcare through nutrition, family planning, and maternal and child health, malaria, tuberculosis, HIV/AIDS and strengthening health programs;
  • Lay a foundation for long-term economic growth through trade, agriculture, and infrastructure programs; and
  • Make devolution work for the benefit of all Kenyans through democracy, governance and conflict programs.

Contact Information

Mission Contact

PO Box 629
Village Market 00621
+254-20-363-2680 / 2682

USAID Contact

Karen Juckett
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
, DC