Fight Corruption Tooth and Nail

Speeches Shim


USAID’s Fight Corruption Tooth and Nail project, which is managed by AINA Media and Culture Center, raises awareness of anticorruption efforts in Afghanistan through a national civic education and media campaign.  The project disseminates anticorruption messages at the national and sub-national levels through television spots, radio dramas, cell phone videos, and billboards.


  • Publish news articles focused on anticorruption messaging
  • Conduct anticorruption advocacy workshops in five major provinces
  • Nationwide broadcasting of radio public service announcements
  • Nationwide broadcasting of radio dramas each month
  • Dissemination of anticorruption messages through other media, such as cell phones and billboards


  • AINA Media developed and broadcast four 10-minute radio dramas, and four 60-second radio public service announcements (PSAs) in Dari and Pashto on Afghan radio.  360 PSA spots have been broadcast each month in primetime radio spots on Radio Arman, Radio Ariana, Radio Killid, Radio Watandar, Radio Maiwand, Radio Nawa and Radio RTA.
  • AINA Media developed and broadcast 40 television PSAs on Tolo TV, Ariana TV, Shamshad TV, and RTA TV.
  • AINA Media produced 100 banners with anticorruption messaging.
  • AINA Media published nine articles in Dari and Pasto-language newspapers to raise awareness about and ways to combat corruption.