The Sea That Sustains Us

Speeches Shim

"Tasi Ne’ebé Sustenta Ita" nudar filme ida husi USAID/Timor-Leste ne’ebé serve hanesan selebrasaun ba ambiente marina hale’u Timor laran tomak, ninia furak, diversidade no forsa sustentabilidade ba ema sira iha ne’e. Ne’e mós serve nudar atensaun ba ambiente nia hasoru husi plástiku no poluisaun seluk. Finálmente, ne’e bolu asaun ida ba Timor oan hotu no sira hotu ne’ebé vizita illa hodi respeita no preserve rekursu furak ida ne’e.

"Tasi Ne’ebé Sustenta Ita" (The Sea That Sustains Us) is a film by USAID/Timor-Leste that serves as a celebration of the marine environment around East Timor, it’s beauty, diversity and sustaining power for people here. It also serves as a warning the environment faces from plastic and other pollution. Finally, it is a call to action to the Timorese and all who visit the island to respect and preserve this precious resource.

Transcript in Tetun | Transcript in English

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