USAID's Strengthening Inclusive Elections and Political Processes Activity

Speeches Shim



USAID helps Timor-Leste become more prosperous, healthy and democratic. USAID’s focus on increasing the capacity to deliver responsive services at the country’s national and sub-national levels improves the quality of governance.



Key Counterparts:

The National Parliament of Timor-Leste; The National Elections Commission (CNE); Technical Secretariat for Election Administration (STAE), political parties



June 2016 — December 2020

Cooperative Agreement:

$4 million

Partner Contact:

Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS)

Karlito Nunes

Acting Chief of Party


USAID Contact:

Germano Boavida

Project Management Specialist



The project, implemented by the Consortium for Elections and Political Process Strengthening (CEPPS), is a key driver of Timor-Leste’s efforts to improve governance. The project works with the national parliament, parliamentary caucuses and political parties with an emphasis on women and youth to create a more inclusive and transparent government.


Major Achievements: 

  • Worked with parliamentarians and their staff on community outreach, staging 13 town hall meetings in 11 municipalities to bring parliamentarians to hear citizen issues, with the average attendance numbering 80 citizens. 

  • Citizens at the town hall meetings also called for further outreach by parliament without the assistance of outside donors or organizations.

  • Organized six topical roundtable discussions, two each on agriculture health and education. Combined, the roundtables attracted representatives of 28 civil society organizations and members of parliament. At least two issues discussed – agriculture and health care – were raised in parliament.

  • Improved several skills for 288 municipal-level party officials (nearly a quarter women) from eight political parties – including internal and external communications, coalition building, and voter mapping – through political party training.

  • Conduct annual public opinion polling that helps equip party leaders with the necessary data and knowledge to make informed political decisions and to develop policy platforms that are responsive to citizen concerns.