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Language: English | Swahili

Speeches Shim

USAID Promoting Tanzania’s Environment, Conservation, and Tourism (PROTECT) Webinar
November 13, 2020

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Promoting Tanzania’s Environment, Conservation, and Tourism (PROTECT) project held a live webinar to celebrate five-years of safeguarding Tanzania’s biodiversity and tourism-driven economy.

November 10, 2020

Ruth Seleman and Godfrey Bahati, a young couple in Northern Tanzania listen carefully to nurse Damari Kipondya as she counsels them on reproductive health.  Although none of the two appear sick, they have every reason to come to the Ngumo Dispensary in Kwimba, Mwanza region. They are expecting a baby as Ruth is five months pregnant. Moreover, she and her husband live in an area with one of the highest malaria infection rates in the country.

November 4, 2020

As in many other countries, wildlife crime in Tanzania was fueled by porous borders, weak legislation, non-deterrent penalties, and ineffective law enforcement, which made the country susceptible to corruption. In responding to this challenge, the Government of Tanzania established the National Taskforce Anti-Poaching (NTAP) and amended the Economic and Organized Crime Control Act (EOCCA 2016) to include wildlife cases as economic crimes, in order to allow for stronger penalties.

October 26, 2020

Dependence on old farming techniques limited 32-year-old Pili Kashinje’s potential as a farmer. She expected farming to yield higher results and quicker returns, but this was not the case when she first began. Not until she joined Feed the Future Tanzania Advancing Youth which invests in entrepreneurship and savings and lending training for youth in Zanzibar. Pili not only grew as a farmer; she transformed her love for farming and agriculture with an acquired business approach to a profitable enterprise.

October 8, 2020

Through the Tanzania Electoral Process Observation (TEPO) activity, USAID will support Research and Education for Democracy in Tanzania (REDET) to undertake processional and objective domestic observation of Tanzania’s 2020 General Election. With USAID assistance, REDET will recruit, train, and deploy both long and short-term domestic election observers to monitor the planning, administration, and conduct of elections.
