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Language: English | Swahili

Speeches Shim

Community Health and Systems Strengthening Program
July 17, 2020

Dar es Salaam: On July 16, representatives from the United States Government and the Government of Tanzania participated in a virtual conference where they discussed achievements and next steps for health systems strengthening in Tanzania, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Community Health and Social Welfare Systems Strengthening Program (CHSSP). CHSSP used a systems strengthening approach in line with the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief goals to assist the Government of Tanzania to control the HIV epidemic.

July 15, 2020

31-year-old Abel Mwakatima is fondly referred to as a “man of the people” in his community in Rungwe, Mbeya region. His qualities of integrity and charisma endear him to his community. A natural leader, Abel however, lacked the skills to drive and further his aspirations in the community. In June 2018, Abel was one of over 20 youth selected by Advancing Youth to attend a one-week leadership training. Thereafter, he was selected to become an Advancing Youth Advisory Council member at district level. Following the training, Abel was appointed by the Rungwe community to become a secretary for his ward, Kiwila. He leads a seven-person “baraza” which mediates land and marriage cases on Mondays and Thursdays each week.

June 25, 2020

In 2017, Community Case Worker volunteer Angela Kweka enrolled Alifonsina’s family into the USAID Kizazi Kipya activity. Angela assesses the household’s needs and develops care plans with Alifonsina to better support her family and meet the health and education needs of her grandchildren. 

June 19, 2020

Michael Mgongolwa, a resident of Ndolela village in rural Iringa, dreamed of transitioning from a subsistence farmer to a  businessman, but wasn’t aware of any entrepreneurship opportunities in his community. Fortunately, he was introduced to the Feed the Future Tanzania Advancing Youth activity and enrolled in entrepreneurship training. He was able to develop a market survey plan to help him identify business opportunities he could engage in. “With readily available electricity in the area, I realized that many construction projects were taking place. This informed my decision to establish an electrical hardware store that would provide merchandise used in construction. I have built a good network with construction builders in the area who order materials in bulk from my store” says Michael.

June 16, 2020

The United States Government, through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has provided more than $5.75 million ($3.4 million in new resources and $2.4 million in redirected existing funds) to help Tanzania respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. The assistance is for: strengthening laboratory capacity for optimal diagnostics; communications about health risks; water and sanitation; the prevention and control of infections; public health messaging; virtual training for educators, and youth; and civil society support to monitor human rights issues.
