Transforming Lives

Speeches Shim

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

Lilia Ranogaet didn’t start out wanting to be a clothing designer. She had studied law, and for years she ran a consulting company that helped Moldovan citizens find work abroad.

USAID is helping Kosovo’s courts resolve cases more efficiently and reduce processing delays through its Justice System Strengthening Program. In its first year of operations, the program has already yielded significant results.

Joy Abuyabor is a midwife from Leyte, in the central region of the Philippines called Visayas. Since 2008, she has been operating her family health care and maternity clinic so more babies can be delivered safely and parents can seek family planning options.

Kada je Ljiza Gaši primljena od strane programa liderstva u Sjedinjenim Državama, njen rad na suosnivanju lokalne NVO na Kosovu i njenom program za dijasporu bili su važni činioci da ona dobije stipendiju. Nakon što je diplomirala na Državnom univerzitetu u Arizoni, stekavši master diplomu iz oblasti javne uprave, Gašijeva se sada vratila na Kosovo gde predvodi delatnosti oko dijaspore i pomaže mladim Kosovcima da apliciraju za osnovne diplomske studije širom sveta.

Meštani ovog planinskog multietničkog kraja na južnom delu Kosova još uvek daruju cvetove uzgajane u baštama prijateljima i komšijama. Sve više, međutim, žene poljoprivrednici uzgajaju, prerađuju i prodaju cveće otkupljivačima za izvoz u Evropu. Kao rezultat prodaje, žene poljoprivrednici u ovom veoma ruralnom kraju zarađuju vrlo dobrodošle dodatne prihode.

Romyla Macanas and Ella Maeh Lopez know how essential clean water is for good hygiene. The two teenagers are in the 10th grade at Tolosa National High School in Leyte province in the central region of the Philippines.

Rowena Dulfo has devoted herself to teaching for almost 25 years. In addition to being a parent of four children, she serves as a mentor and second mother to hundreds of elementary pupils at the Batug Elementary School in Leyte province in the central region of the Philippines.

Some corners of Kosovo’s major cities could easily be mistaken for Milan or Paris, with flashy designer shops and boutiques lining the streets. But unlike Milan and Paris—which attract designers from all over the world—Kosovo’s designers are all home-grown and draw from a rich 200-year history in textiles.

Bibi Khairulnesah, who recently earned her bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from the Polytechnical University of Kabul, is one of three young graduates participating in a pilot internship program designed to help women launch successful careers in nontraditional occupations such as architecture, engineering, and business administration.
