Data Resources

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Open Government  Partnership
Open Government Partnership

USAID has launched with new datasets and tools for technologists and software developers.

Data Sources

Find foreign assistance data on the Foreign Aid Explorer. You can view data by recipient country, sector, and by federal agency. The complete Foreign Aid Explorer dataset can also be downloaded in CSV format. The Foreign Aid Explorer also contains reports and data from the Congressional report U.S. Overseas Loans and Grants (Greenbook) as well as reports and data from the U.S. Annual Assistance Report (OECD/DAC).

Visit Foreign Aid Explorer for a snapshot of where foreign aid is spent by benefiting country, quarter, vendor, bureau, and program area. 

Explore USAID’s Monitoring Country Progress (MCP) system, an empirical analytical system which tracks and analyzes country progress along five dimensions: (1) economic reforms; (2) governing justly and democratically; (3) macro-economic performance; (4) investing in people; and (5) peace and security.  It is used to facilitate country strategic planning including country graduation from USG foreign assistance programs. 

Records and Reports

The USAID Customer Service Plan (pdf, 567kb) explains how USAID’s programs and priorities are highly responsive to customer needs. USAID identifies who its customers are and uses their participation to ensure that its programs are productive.

The USAID Open Government Plan 2.0 documents how the Agency’s data, programs, and evaluations are easily accessible, and how USAID makes transparency and accountability in foreign aid a priority.

USAID’s Plain Writing Act Compliance Report, of July 13, 2011 (pdf, 178kb), details how the Agency aggressively pursues the goals of the Plain Writing Act of 2010, which requires that federal documents are easy to understand and use.

USAID’s Freedom of Information Act Annual Report explains how to make a FOIA request and provides details about FOIA requests made to USAID during the fiscal year. This information can also be downloaded in XML Format.

The Chief FOIA Officer's Report details how USAID has complied with the Freedom of Information Act. This includes how USAID has applied the presumption of openness, established a system for responding to requests, increased proactive disclosure, more fully used technology, and improved how quickly requests are responded to.

Through reports to and regular briefings of Congressional staff, the Congressional Liaison Division keeps members of Congress informed of USAID development and assistance efforts.

USAID provides information related to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, relating details about USAID programs affected by the act.

The Congressional Budget Justification for Foreign Operations describes areas of USAID’s growing responsibilities and why the funds requested are needed.

The Annual Performance Report shows how the Agency performed in comparison to what was targeted, according to foreign assistance indicators. It includes the Annual Performance Plan, which sets a performance target for the upcoming year and a preliminary target for the following year.

The Agency Financial Report provides an overview of financial results, program performance, and financial systems. It also includes details, such as the auditor’s report and financial statements, and the most serious management and performance challenges.

The Joint Summary of Performance and Financial Information of the U.S. Department of State and  USAID reviews performance and financial information for the fiscal year. 

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United States Agency for International Development web site.

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