Speeches Shim
Despite progress in increasing educational access for many of Senegal’s children, there are still significant challenges in offering a quality education. National data sets since 2010 have shown that most children in the first three grades of school are not learning to read at grade level. Failing to learn to read is known to be a driver of low academic achievement as well as the decision to leave school. In the conflict affected regions of southern Senegal, children’s access to, and retention in, lower secondary education is very low. Low quality and inequitable service delivery have left youth lacking in opportunity and essential life skills. In partnership with the Ministry of Education, USAID is empowering the children of Senegal with the foundational skills they will need to later participate in the country’s political and economic systems.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) works to improve the health status of Senegal’s women, children, and other vulnerable populations by making strategic investments that increase access to high quality health services and products, foster the commitment of individuals and communities in the management of their own health and health services, and strengthen the performance of the health system.
USAID/Senegal and USAID/Washington staff from Biodiversity, Feed the Future (FTF), Global Climate Change (GCC) and Democracy, Human Rights and Governance (DRG) joined together to undertake an applied Political Economy Analysis (PEA) in Senegal in October 2016. While progress has been made in the sector, the applied PEA sought to better understand why unsustainable fishing persists, despite evidence that many of the fisheries are on the brink of collapse from overfishing.

On Tuesday, October 23, Senior Deputy Administrator of the Bureau for Food Security of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Mr. Sean Jones, and Senegal's Minister of Agriculture and Rural Equipment, Dr. Papa Abdoulaye Seck, signed the Declaration of Partnership of the Feed the Future Initiative on behalf of their respective governments, to publicly celebrate the countries’ continued partnership and renewed commitment to accountability and transparency.
EG4ALL is consistent with the current Government of Senegal (GOS) medium and long-term economic and social policy framework, called the Plan Senegal Emergent (PSE). In particular, it responds to the PSE’s first thrust – structural transformation of the economy and growth.
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.