Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems

Speeches Shim

  • Duration: 
    Aug 2011 – July 2017
  • Value: $37 million


The United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems (SPS) project seeks to increase the availability and use of quality medicines and pharmaceutical commodities in Afghanistan.

The Strengthening Pharmaceutical Systems project works with the Afghan Ministry of Public Health’s to help regulate and assure the quality of pharmaceutical products entering and used in the country. The project provides technical support in 18 provinces of Afghanistan (Badakhshan, Baghlan, Balkh, Bamyan, Faryab, Ghazni, Helmand, Herat, Kabul, Kandahar, Kapisa, Khost, Kunduz, Laghman, Nangarhar, Paktika, Parwan and Takhar) to improve the rational use of medicine, to ensure proper storage and management of drugs in clinics, and to establish a comprehensive Pharmaceutical Management Information System. In addition, the project works closely with the Afghan National Medicines Health Products Regulatory Authority.


  • Improve Medicines Importation Policies, Legislation, and Regulation: Help the Ministry of Public Health develop and implement required laws, regulations, and policies for the regulation of imported medicine and drugs.
  • Supply Chain Management and Commodity Security: Strengthen the supply of consistent and quality drugs and medicines in Afghanistan.
  • Strengthen Pharmaceutical Human Resources: Collaborate with the Ministry of Public Health to recruit and train skilled pharmacists.
  • Enhance Pharmaceutical Services: Increase the use of good pharmaceutical practices in the General Directorate of Pharmaceutical Affairs, non-governmental organizations and health facilities, and help develop official policies that ensure rational medicine use.
  • Pharmaceutical Management Information System (PMIS): In collaboration with other relevant U.S. and Afghan partners, support the implementation of a comprehensive PMIS for improved pharmaceutical data management.


  • Created the country’s first Essential Medicines List and Licensed Medicines List.
  • Revised the National Medicine Policy to international standards, with the Ministry of Public Health endorsement.
  • Established a national supply distribution chain and registration system for pharmaceutical products.
  • Improved the computerized Pharmaceutical Management Information System data base in the General Directorate of Pharmaceutical Affairs.
  • Finalized stock management standard operating procedures for pharmaceutical enterprises.
  • Piloted a Minilab project to test imported medicines from private and public sector facilities in the six provinces of Kabul, Kandahar, Herat, Nangarhar, Balkh and Kunduz.
  • Finalized the Procurement and Distribution Guideline, which standardized the process of distribution from the warehouse to health facility.
  • Provided technical support in the revision of Afghan Medicines and Health Products Law
  • Developed an official notice paper, providing guidelines for the registered companies and its products.
  • With technical assistance by the SPS project, the Minister of Public Health endorsed the National Policy for Pharmacovigilance.
  • MoPH and Afghan Government endorsed the National Policy for Waste Management and Safe Disposal of Pharmaceutical Products and the National Policy for Narcotic and Controlled Medicines.