Afghanistan Investment Climate Reform Program

Speeches Shim

  • Duration: 
    Mar 2015 – Mar 2022
  • Value: $13 Million


AICR program supports Government of Afghanistan efforts to improve the country’s investment climate by implementing business-enabling reforms, such as efficient and transparent business registration and licensing in Kabul and other provinces.

The program, implemented by the International Finance Corporation/World Bank Group (IFC/WBG), provides advisory services and technical assistance to support improvement in construction permitting, export procedures at Hamid Karzai International Airport, and private sector competitiveness and address other obstacles to investment as highlighted in the World Bank “Doing Business” indicators in Afghanistan. The program also supports the Executive Committee on the Private Sector of Afghanistan (PriSEC) to implement crucial private sector development priorities.


  • Provide advisory services and technical assistance to PriSEC to support private sector development reforms
  • Collaborate with President’s Office on reforms to improve Afghanistan’s World Bank “Doing Business” global ranking
  • Replicate business registration and license renewal successes in Kabul in other provinces
  • Provide business-enabling environment assistance to Government of Afghanistan entities based on indicators in World Bank “Doing Business” index to improve Afghanistan’s ranking


  • Assisted upgrade of IT infrastructure of the Afghanistan Central Business Registry and Intellectual Property (ACBR-IP) main office in Kabul to support provincial operations via one-stop shop for licenses
  • Reduced the time taken to obtain new business licenses from Central Business Registry from 1 – 2 working days to 35 – 70 minutes
  • Reduced the procedural steps to obtain new business license from Central Business Registry from 25 steps to four steps
  • Completion and release of Afghanistan Doing Business Index sub-national governance report
  • Reduced average time to obtain residential and construction permits from eight months to five months in Kabul municipality, thereby improving market efficiencies and promoting transparency
  • Produced a Doing Business Reform Memorandum that provides practical recommendations to improve Afghanistan’s “Doing Business” ranking
  • Upgraded the ACBR-IP central office in Kabul to provide new business licenses and license renewals in several provinces