Program Updates

Speeches Shim

March 25, 2019

USAID’s Afghan Children Read project helped start Teacher Learning Circles (TLCs) in Herat to provide a forum for teachers to discuss the challenges they faced in adopting the Ministry of Education’s new early grade reading model. TLCs are being piloted in several schools, convening teachers for monthly sessions focused on sharing experiences on encouraging students, assessing performance, and utilizing new and interactive teaching methods.

March 25, 2019

Currently, there is very little value placed on a science education in Afghanistan. In addition, science is not considered a subject for women to study, and they are generally discouraged from pursuing an education or degree science-related subjects.

March 25, 2019

When you first meet Fatima Kamandi you immediately notice her ambition and intelligence. A Literature and Spanish graduate from Kabul University, Ms. Kamandi is currently enrolled at Symbiosis International University in India, where she is pursuing a graduate degree in international relations. Ms. Kamandi has a knack for languages and dreams of one day becoming a diplomat or an ambassador representing Afghanistan.

March 25, 2019

Improving education service delivery is difficult when staff lack the skills and experience to effectively manage resources. Although donor investments have significantly improved the Ministry of Education’s (MoE’s) systems and procedures over the last 17 years, much work remains.

March 25, 2019

Afghan women and girls struggle in their pursuit of education, especially at the tertiary level in Afghanistan. Many families cannot afford to cover higher education costs for their children and preference is normally given to the education of sons, who are expected to later become breadwinners for the family.
