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Information released online before January, 2021.
Note: Content in this archive site is NOT UPDATED, and external links may not function. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views contained therein.
You are entering the 2017-2020 Archive for the
United States Agency for International Development web site.
If you are looking for current information, visit
System Name:
Managing Office: Bureau of Management / CIO, Legislative and Public Affairs (LPA) / Web Management (WM)
Date PIA Completed: June 26, 2018
The USAID.GOV website is the Agency’s main portal to communicate information about USAID to the external public. End users from all over the world may use the site to learn about USAID’s mission, its priorities, its outreach, and to have a way to reach back to the organization.
Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.