Speeches Shim

The Private Sector Mobilization for Family Health Project – Phase 2 (PRISM2) is part of the United States Agency for International Development’s continuing initiative to build enduring public-private partnerships that would assure Filipinos the availability of and access to quality modern family planning (FP) and maternal and child health (MCH) products and services. Specifically, PRISM2 provides support to the Department of Health (DOH), local government units (LGUs) and other national and local partners in their provision of technical assistance to the private sector and strengthening its role in the delivery of FP and MCH products and services.
PRISM2 is a follow on to USAID’s PRISM Project implemented in 2004-2009 (PRISM1) which initiated the participation of the private sector, with government as partner, in meeting the demand of Filipino families for FP and MCH products and services. PRISM1 was able to develop models for engaging private sector which can be utilized to inform public policies and develop a sector-wide approach for FP and MCH provision.
PRISM2 (2009-2014) works on the gains of PRISM1 and intends to scale-up its reach to achieve critical mass. PRISM2 supports cross-cutting efforts such as alliance building, advocacy and institutional development. It was initially implemented in 77 provinces/independent cities nationwide and was refocused to 36 provinces /independent cities starting 2012.
- To increase the number of private sector providers providing services to poorer segment of the population and the coverage of the poor.
- To increase financing of the private sector delivery of services and products.
- To improve marketing of FP and MCH services and products as means to generate demand for FP and MCH services.
- To improve private practice providers’ effectiveness in n communicating and encouraging clients to seek FP and MCH services from trained providers and deliver in birthing facilities.
- To facilitate the creation of clear and specific and formal local and national policies and regulations for mobilizing private sector in the provision of FP and MCH services and products.
To assist the DOH and the LGUs engage and mobilize private sector resources in the delivery of family planning (FP) and maternal and child health (MCH) services and products
- Increasing and sustaining private sector provision of quality FP and MCH services and products
- Increasing utilization of quality FP and MCH services and products in and from the private sector
- Improving the policy environment for private sector provision of FP and MCH services and products
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