Providing hot meals to Peruvian and Venezuelan migrants and refugees in Peru.

Speeches Shim

Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Ambassador of Venezuela, Carlos Scull, the Ambassador of the United States, Krishna R. Urs, the Director of USAID, Jene Thomas, and the director of the supported soup kitchen “Jesus is my guide”, Obdulia Contreras.
US Embassy

The Ambassador of the United States, Krishna R. Urs, the Ambassador of Venezuela, Carlos Scull, and the Director of the United States Agency for International Development, Jene Thomas, served lunch to Peruvian and Venezuelan families in a soup kitchen that receive support from USAID project that seeks to reduce the vulnerability of Peruvians and Venezuelan migrants and refugees in Peru. 

The USAID project, administered by World Vision humanitarian aid NGO, with a presence in almost 100 countries, has been allocated US $ 6,174,287 from the USAID's Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance (OFDA) and the USAID Food for Peace Program, which includes support for 21 soup kitchens in Tumbes, Trujillo, Callao and Lima, and expects to offer 150,000 free lunches over a period of 6 months.