Afghan Women Use Technology to Stop Street Harassment

Speeches Shim

Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Afghan Women Use Technology to Stop Street Harassment

Code Women Challenge: To promote increased opportunities for women in the fast-growing information, communication and technology (ICT) sector and in mobile technology, Promote - Women in Economy (WIE) partnered with Code Weekend by sponsoring a Code Women Challenge.

Code challenges solve problems by creating tools that put technology to use in overcoming business, social, environmental, and other issues. WIE's Code Women Challenge challenged Afghan female coders to develop a smart phone application that will help stop street harassment of women and girls. Two concepts tied for first place, and the three coders who submitted them joined to form a single team that received the first prize: contracts for developing and deploying the fully functional application.

The application under development will allow women to report street harassment, display maps of harassment potshots, allow women to send SMS messages to friends, family or other nearby users for assistance, post incident reports to increase awareness, tips on how to handle or avoid harassment, and notification to users that warns them if they are entering an area with a lot of incident reports.