SERVIR Hindu Kush-Himalaya

Speeches Shim

  • Duration:
    Oct 2015 – Sep 2020
  • Value: $3 million


SERVIR supports developing countries in the use of earth observation information and geospatial technologies to address challenges in food security, water resources, weather and climate, land use, and natural disasters. A partnership of USAID, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and leading technical organizations, SERVIR develops innovative solutions to improve livelihoods and foster self-reliance in Asia, Africa, and the Americas.

In Afghanistan, SERVIR provides technical assistance to the Government of Afghanistan to improve the use of technologies and analysis for decision-making in water resources and irrigation management. USAID assistance also improves resilience of the region to the impact of climate change and land use management and reduces greenhouse emissions.


  • Develop an integrated glaciers, irrigation, and agriculture database and portals
  • Develop tools and train MAIL, MEW, Kabul University, and Afghanistan Meteorological Department to improve their data analyses
  • Establish a data management unit for the Government of Afghanistan to sustain the portal
  • Raise awareness about, and increase access to, geospatial data and information to improve information management, sharing, and access to existing and new data
  • Develop a National Land Cover Monitoring System for Afghanistan and enhance capacity of MAIL, MEW, and Kabul University to monitor changes in land cover for effective management


  • Trained nearly 230 individuals on Application of Remote Sensing and GIS for mapping and monitoring of glaciers
  • Two-hundred-forty-five individuals participated in exchanges and on-the-job coaching activities that included participation in the Regional Workshop on Impact Pathway, Partnership & Communication Strategy
  • More than 10 stakeholders are using earth observation technology and products to make programming decisions in Afghanistan
  • Assisted in the analysis, consultation, review, and development of memorandum of understanding MoU (administrative, policy, and regulatory procedure) that focuses on shifting and clarifying geospatial responsibilities between MAIL and National Statistics Information Authority
  • Deployed four new research assistants to MEW to enhance MEW’s capacity in snow and glacier mapping.
  • Developed and launched Agriculture Information Portal
  • Mapped and disseminated Afghanistan’s Glaciers Dynamics study
  • Developed and launched a portal for Afghanistan’s glacier dynamics