Increasing Access to Basic Education and Gender Equality (CBE)

Speeches Shim

  • Duration: 
    Sept 2014 – Dec 2019
  • Value: $77 million


USAID has been helping the Government of Afghanistan to increase children's access to basic education since 2003. CBE is a proven means to reach children who are unable to attend formal schools due to insecurity, distance, or other constraints.

The CBE activity is implemented in a partnership with the Afghan Ministry of Education (MoE). In 2014, USAID provided a grant to the UN International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF) to deliver community based education to children in 13 provinces, utilizing a MoE approved curriculum. The USAID grant also supports Accelerated Learning Centers (ALCs), which are specifically designed for young women whose educational opportunities earlier in life were interrupted due to conflict, distance to a formal school, lack of female teachers, or lack of learning materials and supplies. Under this grant, both the CBE and ALC activities focus on remote and underserved communities of Afghanistan.


  • Provide education to children and young women in remote and underserved areas.
  • Provide teaching and learning materials to community-based classrooms.
  • Establish 1,000 community-based schools in rural and underserved areas.
  • Train provincial and district education officers and implementing partners on the MoE’s community based education policy.
  • Establish ALC to provide access to education to out of school children and young women.


  • As of June 2018, 148,368 students (75,772 male and 72,596 female) were enrolled in CBE classes.
  • As of June 2018, 94,967 teaching and learning materials have been distributed to CBE classes.
  • In total, 6,334 community-based schools and ALC’s have been established.
  • As of June 2018, 5,994 teachers and 1,527 school management Shura members have been trained.