25 MW Herat Wind Farm

Speeches Shim

  • Duration: 
    Oct 2019 – Oct 2022
  • Value: $23 Million


The 25 megawatt (MW) Herat Wind Farm will demonstrate the commercial viability of generating affordable, reliable, and accessible power from wind resources in northwest Afghanistan. The private sector Independent Power Producer (IPP), 77 Construction, will design, build, own, operate, and maintain the 25 MW Wind Farm in Herat for 20 years under a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat (DABS), the Afghan national electric utility.  As part of USAID’s effort to create opportunities to support private sector investment, USAID will cost-share the project with the IPP, contributing $23 million of the $43 million project cost. The power produced by the wind farm will help meet the residential and commercial energy needs of up to 300,000 Afghan citizens and businesses.


  • The IPP and DABS will finalize the Purchase Power Agreement (PPA).
  • Collecting wind data (wind speed, direction etc.) at the site which is required for design of the turbines.
  • Designing, purchasing, shipping, and installing all the electrical and mechanical equipment required for the 25 MW wind system.
  • Interconnection to Afghanistan’s national power grid including all metering and communications systems.
  • Testing and commissioning of the 25 MW wind farm ending with the start of commercial operations.
  • Mobilization of construction site by the end of 2019.