Speeches Shim
“We welcome this initiative in our health centers because health and cleanliness go together. When the first inspection showed deficiencies in our center, our technical team developed a plan of action that we executed to the letter. All the expressed needs were met. ” Bassidiki Baba Toure, Vice-President of the management community administrative counsel
Fatimata Diarra, the social behavior change assistant of Farakala health area in Sikasso region in the south of Mali, is witnessing evidence that behavior change is successful by showing women of childbearing age that behavior change is not an empty word but a set of practices that contributes to maintaining health. Chata Togola’s story illustrates her findings.
In Mali, almost 27% of children under five are stunted. The prevalence of global acute malnutrition is 9 % and the prevalence of severe acute malnutrition is 3% (2018 Demographic Health Survey). The government of Mali is committed to addressing malnutrition countrywide. The USAID-funded High Impact Health Services Project (SSGI) supports the government of Mali’s actions through furthering the delivery of health facility-and community-based nutrition services that aim to reduce underweight, stunting, wasting, and iron deficiency anemia.
This mother of 9 children and a grandmother has seen bad times, lack of quality seed and information on good agronomic practices affect productivity in her village. Her local variety no longer produces enough to feed the family and dependents. In 2014, when Sofara was included as a target area in the Africa Rising’s Large Scale Diffusion of Technologies for Sorghum and Millet Systems (ARDT_SMS) project in Mopti region, her active participation in its enabling technologies transformed her life.
Ibrahim Niangaly and Sidaty Adiawiakoye are two young Malian living in the Douentza District. Although, coming from different cultures, they worked together to create a joint venture in a very difficult context. Douentza, in the center of Mali, is a region characterized by a multitude of shocks including conflict, insecurity and drought. The conflict in this part of the country has impacted especially on youth who started getting enrolled to radical or armed groups. Others migrated to the south to look for jobs.
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