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Public-Private Partnership approach brings vital service to over 10,000 people in rural communities
For Immediate Release
ANTANANARIVO — For too many years, the communities of Anosibe Ifody (Moramanga, Alaotra Mangoro region) and Niarovana Caroline (Vatomandry, Atsinanana region) in Eastern Madagascar have struggled under the burden of undependable, contaminated water sources that led to sickness and poor sanitation.
Anosibe Ifody was plagued with water quality problems including siltation during the rainy season and bacteriological contamination. Meanwhile, the citizens of Niarovana Caroline frequently face bouts of bilharziasis, a disease caused by a water-born pathogen.
Starting from today, all that is changing.
The United States Government is excited to officially launch the opening of new clean water systems in these communes that will bring fresh, clean water to over 10,000 people.
This progress has been achieved under a unique approach that blends the efforts of the U.S. government through the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) RANO WASH project managed by CARE Madagascar, with those of the Ministry of Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene, local communities, and private sector partners who will manage the water systems, ensuring sustainability and high-quality water standards.
RANO WASH is USAID’s largest water and sanitation program in Madagascar. Over the course of five years, the U.S. Government is providing $30 million to improve water access for hundreds of thousands of people in 250 rural communes in six regions of Madagascar (Alaotra Mangoro, Amoron'i Mania, Atsinanana, Haute Matsiatra, Vakinankaratra, and Vatovavy Fitovinany) which face chronic shortages of drinkable water.
“RANO WASH continues to make progress on bringing improved water access to the families who need it most,” said RANO WASH Project Director Sébastien Fesneau. “These water systems have been built and managed under Public-Private Partnerships to ensure customers receive high-quality clean water at an affordable cost.”
Under the plan, local private companies built the systems and contributing to the overall cost of construction. Now they will ensure maintenance, manage the water supply, and expand access and water, sanitation, and hygiene. RANO WASH provided the majority of the funds to build the new systems and are working with the local municipalities to oversee the private sector management of the systems.
Community members have the choice to connect to the distribution network through individual connections in their homes, to share a social or group connection with their neighbors, or to obtain water from collective water points. The cost to the user depends upon which connection option they choose.
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