Speeches Shim
The donation of six million mosquito nets from the United States government will protect more than 12 million Malagasy people from malaria. The donation comes from the U.S. President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), led by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), and implemented together with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), who have partnered with Madagascar to diagnose and treat malaria, and provided protective measures for millions of people. This donation of mosquito nets is part of the national mosquito net distribution campaign, which was launched today in Farafangana.
Since early 2016, the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Technical Assistance (OTA) has been supporting the Madagascar Ministry of Finance and Budget (MFB) to improve Madagascar’s budgeting and treasury systems, and to establish a single, centralized account for Madagascar’s finances.
Stronger networks of community health services, improved quality of care, and significant gains in maternal and child health are just part of the legacy of the five-year Mikolo project from USAID Madagascar, which concluded its work during a ceremony held in Toliara. The USAID Mikolo end-of-project ceremony was attended by the many partners who made the project’s success possible, including the Ministry of Public Health (MOPH), USAID Madagascar staff, and other financial and technical contributors.
Today, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and The Coca Cola Foundation (TCCF), through their Water and Development Alliance (WADA) global partnership, launched a project to improve access to safe water and sanitation services for hundreds of thousands of people in three of Madagascar’s major urban centers. The project will be implemented by the nonprofit organization Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP).
U.S. Ambassador Robert T. Yamate announced USAID’s ‘Hay Tao’ program today, the first significant piece of a new Conservation and Communities Project (CCP). Hay Tao is the largest U.S. environmental investment in Madagascar in nearly a decade and represents the U.S. government’s strong commitment to preserving Madagascar’s unique environmental heritage.
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has launched a five-year, US$30 million project to improve water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services in rural Madagascar. RANO WASH, which stands for ‘Rural Access to New Opportunities in Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene’, will be implemented by a CARE-led consortium that includes Catholic Relief Services, WaterAid, BushProof and Sandandrano with activities planned through 2022. It will improve the health of people in 250 communes in the regions of Vatovavy Fitovinany, Atsinanana, Alaotra Mangoro, Amoron’i Mania, Haute Matsiatra, and Vakinankaratra.
Increasingly, health, the environment and climate change are interrelated and interdependent. Madagascar's 40-member Population, Health and Environment (PHE) network brings together organizations working in the fields of environmental preservation, population and health that recognize many positive benefits come from a shared, integrated approach to development.
U.S. Ambassador Robert T. Yamate announced an additional $4.3 million in emergency food assistance to help families affected by drought in Madagascar. This new funding provided by the U.S. government, through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), will help vulnerable families in the south and southeast of Madagascar. The U.S. government is the largest food donor in Madagascar, providing over $39 million to Madagascar families affected by drought since 2015.
The United States government today announced $1.2 million to help Madagascar conduct free, fair, transparent, and inclusive elections in 2018. The money is a grant to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) led multi-donor program to strengthen the National Independent Election Commission (CENI) and enhance civic engagement in the upcoming elections.
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