Speeches Shim

Jordan meets nearly all of its energy needs through oil and gas imports. The country faces fluctuating international energy prices and rapidly increasing domestic demand, the costs of which are highly subsidized. The USAID Energy Sector Capacity Building Activity (ESCB) supports Jordanian energy producers, utilities and consumers to adopt best practices in energy efficiency and to support development of alternative and renewable energy sources.
ESCB works with public and private energy sector entities and associations to build institutional capacity and develop effective policies to increase the adoption of energy efficiency and renewable energy (EE & RE). ESCB is leading the promotion of women in the workplace and leadership positions in the energy sector.
- Supporting government to establish legal, regulatory and financial framework to promote RE & EE, including: integration of renewable energy into the national grid and energy storage, review of government requirements for large consumers to conduct energy audit and analysis of legal issues in providing tax exemption for energy saving appliances and equipment.
- Providing capacity building, technical qualifications and technical tools for government and energy utilities to design, implement, monitor and evaluate RE & EE programs.
- Supporting the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources to implement the Energy Savings in Government Buildings program.
- Establishing a thriving energy services industry in Jordan through:
- building professional credentials of engineers
- institutional development of Energy Service Providers (ESPs) through one-on one training programs customized for each company
- establishing a coalition of energy associations and an ESP accreditation program
- providing strategic support to energy associations
- Promoting women’s participation and leadership through training, working with project counterparts on gender mainstreaming, organizing networking and career development events,
- Identifying and providing support to financial institutions offering loans for energy efficiency
- Installing solar PV systems at public, private and civil society institutions.
- Providing technical and business training to Jordan’s “Solar Mamas” to provide household solar PV.
- Working with the Jordan Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund (JREEEF) on business planning, project design, management and evaluation, financial planning and specific projects including: energy efficiency for hotels, evaluation of RE projects.
- Working with electricity distribution companies on non-core business planning and management of Demand Side Management programs.
- Established the Coalition of Energy Service Associations and ETIMAD - a private sector led accreditation program. ETIMAD has received first 15 accreditation applications from ESPs.
- Provided technical assistance to 11 ESPs on business planning, marketing and proposal development.
- Providing technical support and capacity building to 178 public and private sector institutions, giving 9,863 hours of training to date.
- Conducted Jordan’s first detailed energy use survey of over 2,700 households, in cooperation with utility partners.
- Established Demand Side Management Units in Jordan’s electricity distribution companies.
- Reached 600 women through networking events and provide access to Women in Energy Resources.
- Produced financial analysis models for distribution companies, government agencies and Community Based Organizations to calculate energy and financial management of EE & RE programs.
- Installed solar panels on two government buildings, leading to the reduction of 234 tons of GHG emissions.
- Developed the first energy efficiency loan product in Jordan, offered by National Microfinance Bank.
- JREEEF is operational, including financial funding mechanisms, business plans, communication plan, 2015 Annual Report and operational and contractual guidelines.
- In cooperation with UN High Commissioner for Refugees and JREEEF, trained surveyors in Zaatari refugee camp to conduct survey and developed plan resulting in distribution of IKEA LED lights to 51,000 refugee and host community households.
- Developed Greater Amman Municipality tender and provided technical assistance to the evaluation committee which resulted in the award of Jordan’s first waste-to-energy project
- Completed impact evaluation studies for Jordan River Foundation/JREEEF 2014 Household Solar Water Heater Program and the Mercy Corps 2013 Household PV Program.
- Institutionalized the Certified Measurement and Verification Professional training in Jordan, including training of the first three Arabic speaking CMVP trainers in the Middle East, one of whom is female.
- One electricity distribution company has an approved non-core business plan
- Testing and commissioning of Tafila 117 MW wind project
- Government has increased capacity to forecast power needs and approved renewable power connection standards.
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