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The Asia Enhancing Development and Growth through Energy (Asia EDGE) initiative supports the U.S. Government’s vision for a free and open Indo-Pacific, working to grow sustainable and secure energy markets throughout the region. USAID’s Regional Development Mission for Asia (USAID/RDMA) recently added the following activities to its Asia EDGE portfolio as a means to both harness the power of public and private sector collaboration and to fuel sustainable energy growth.
Southeast Asia Renewable Energy (RE) Data Explorer to Support Decision Making and Investment: USAID and the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) are upgrading the state-of-the-art RE Data Explorer online tool to provide publicly available, high-quality, solar resource data for Southeast Asia. The upgrade is already underway and will significantly increase the platform's temporal and spatial resolution, allowing visitors to visualize and download solar resource data at 10-minute intervals across a two-kilometer grid covering the entire region. Once launched in February 2021, USAID and NREL will engage the public and private sector to support market entry decisions, drive energy sector investment opportunities and inform policy, grid integration and other energy sector transformation decisions.
Enhancing Equality in Energy for Southeast Asia: This activity aims to enhance development and economic outcomes by improving gender equality in the Southeast Asia energy sector. It will work with education institutions to increase the number of qualified women in the energy sector workforce and with private sector actors to encourage inclusive recruitment, retention, promotion, and leadership opportunities for women.
For more information, please visit https://www.usaid.gov/indo-pacific-vision/nrm/asia-edge or email info-rdma@usaid.gov.
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