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The role of the AO vs AOR in assistance award administration
Team: The AO and AOR work as part of a team to ensure that USAID exercises prudent management over its assistance awards.
Agreement Officer (AO): A person with the authority to (1) enter into, administer, terminate, and close out assistance agreements, and (2) make related determinations and findings on behalf of USAID.
AO responsibilities during award administration include:
- Designate respective primary and alternative AOR to represent AO in award administration.
- Serve as the control point of record for all official communication that would constitute an amendment to the award.
- Provide approvals that are not delegated to the AOR.
- Engage with the AOR on significant performance issues.
- Provide guidance to AOR in award administration.
- Responsible for potential or actual dispute resolution.
- Provide resolution with regards to allowability of costs.
Agreement Officer’s Representative (AOR): The individual who performs functions that are designated by the Agreement Officer (AO), or are specifically designated by policy or regulation as part of assistance award administration.
AOR responsibilities during award administration include:
- Monitor the recipient’s progress towards achieving the objectives of the Program Description.
- Review performance and financial status reports for adequacy and responsiveness and provide approval within designated authority.
- Maintain effective and appropriate level of communication with the recipient.
- Monitor the recipient's compliance with the terms and conditions of the award.
- Inform the AO on the recipient's performance, including matters impeding successful achievement of the objectives.
- Make written recommendations to the AO when any changes to the Program Description, technical provisions, and/or any other term or condition of the award are necessary.
- Administer financial management responsibilities, including: ensure that all funding actions comply with USAID's forward funding guidelines, monitor the financial status of the award, calculate quarterly accruals and monitor any cost share requirements.
- Provide approvals only where required by the terms and conditions of the award.
- Prepare internal USAID documentation necessary for award implementation.
- Oversee the recipient's Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) Plan.
- Perform any substantial involvement duties under a cooperative agreement.
- Maintain a complete and up to date AOR file.
- During the last 3 months of the award, the AOR should ensure that a Closeout Plan has been initiated (if required under the award).
Developed by USAID/India’s Regional Financial Management Office and Regional Office of Acquisition and Assistance and the Central and South Asia Acquisition and Assistance Innovation Lab in support of Local Capacity Building.

Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement.