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Resources for Implementing Partners
An Overview of the Development Experience Clearinghouse (DEC)
The DEC is the largest online resource for USAID-funded technical and project materials. The DEC holds USAID's institutional memory, spanning over 50 years. It makes nearly 200,000 items available for review or download, and continuously grows with more than 1,000 items added each month.
The DEC provides Agency staff and development partners with accurate, comprehensive, and timely information on the Agency's development experience. The DEC includes USAID-funded documentation created by the Agency and its contractors and grantees.
1. USAID Contractors and Recipients
Must submit documents and development assistance project materials funded by USAID. This includes research and technical reports, evaluations and assessments, required progress and performance reports and additional information products.
Recipient should remove any information that is incidental to award administration, such as financial, administrative, cost or pricing, or management information.
Responsible for enforcement of submission requirements as per: mandatory provision M.8 for Non-U.S. NGOs (assistance)
- mandatory provision M.21 for U.S.NGOs (assistance)
3. USAID and members of the development community
Can search the DEC to find resources or browse special collections.
Where Can I Learn More?
Standard Provision:
- Non-U.S. NGOs: M8. Submissions to the Development Experience Clearinghouse and Data Rights
- U.S. NGOs: M21. Submission to the Development Experience Clearinghouse and Publications
Developed by USAID/India’s Regional Financial Management Office and Regional Office of Acquisition and Assistance and the Central and South Asia Acquisition and Assistance Innovation Lab in support of Local Capacity Building.

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