USAID Administrator Green's Call with The Right Honourable Penny Mordaunt, M.P., the United Kingdom Secretary of State for International Development

Press Release Shim

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For Immediate Release

Thursday, December 7, 2017
Office of Press Relations
Telephone: +1.202.712.4320 | Email:


The following is attributable to Spokesperson Clayton M. McCleskey:

On Wednesday, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Administrator Mark Green called United Kingdom Secretary of State for International Development Penny Mordaunt to congratulate her on her recent appointment. Noting the strong relationship between USAID and the UK's Department for International Development, the Administrator welcomed opportunities for increased cooperation with the UK, especially in addressing mounting humanitarian crises around the world. In particular, they discussed the dire situation in Yemen, and the need for unfettered humanitarian access. They also discussed their shared interest in progress in Burma and Bangladesh, and the need for meaningful steps to end the suffering of the Rohingya.

Administrator Green and Secretary Mordaunt discussed potential areas for deeper partnership between the United States and the UK on development in sub-Saharan Africa. They voiced their shared grave concern about the safety of humanitarian workers in South Sudan, and emphasized the need for an end to the conflict there. Administrator Green also noted the particular importance of meaningful and credible elections in Zimbabwe.

Finally, the Administrator and the Secretary agreed upon the importance of implementing reforms that ensure our foreign-assistance investments are most effective, and bring lasting results.