Speeches Shim
USAID/Ethiopia is seeking offers from qualified persons to provide personal service under contract as described in the attached solicitation for Science, Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships (STIP) Advisor position.
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The United States marked the completion of its five-year Challenge TB project that contributed to improvements in Ethiopia’s ability to detect, diagnose, and treat tuberculosis (TB) more effectively and save lives across all nine regions of the country. Under this program, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) invested $42 million to improve the quality of TB care and prevention services, enabling patients to receive better access to treatment and medication to fight the infection.

The United States marked the completion of its five-year Local Capacity Development project that invested in helping over 100 local organizations improve their performance and enhance the Ethiopian civil society sector. Through this project, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) provided training to strengthen financial and project management capacity to help Ethiopian institutions improve the quality of services they provide to their communities, and contribute to the country’s democratic reforms.

Today, the United States and the Government of Ethiopia jointly signed a declaration of partnership for the U.S. government’s new five-year Feed the Future strategy to invest in food security, build resilience, and accelerate economic growth opportunities in Ethiopia. Minister of Agriculture Oumer Hussein and Deputy Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) Bonnie Glick signed the agreement, which renews U.S. government agriculture, nutrition, and food security-related commitments through 2024, in support of the Prime Minister’s New Horizon of Hope agenda.

Today, the United States announced the launch of its new two-year, $4 million Feteh project to support the strengthening of independent rule of law institutions in Ethiopia. Feteh (meaning “justice” in Amharic) is funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and will provide technical support to the Attorney General’s Office and the Supreme Court’s efforts to expand their independent decision-making and oversight capacity.
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