Livelihood Diversification Analysis Literature Review

Speeches Shim

The Livelihoods Diversification Analysis (LDA) has two key functions: (1) to inform ongoing and future iterations of resilience programming in Niger, Burkina Faso, and potentially other Sahelian countries, and (2) to contribute more broadly to strategic thinking on holistic programming that addresses the underlying factors of vulnerability to violent extremism in the Sahel. A key focus of the analysis will be on how to promote less climate-dependent and non-climate-dependent livelihood diversification strategies within the Resilience in the Sahel Enhanced (RISE) zone of influence and with the specific demographic groups that RISE is targeting, including youth populations, as well as in regions of the Sahel with similar development challenges. With respect to the second key function, the LDA effort is expected to focus primarily on those countries and regions that either are currently experiencing violence/instability as a result of the actions of violent extremist organizations (VEOs), or are at risk of escalation of such activity due to structural vulnerabilities, or “push factors.” The LDA effort is aimed to help shape interventions to promote less climate-dependent and non-climate-dependent livelihood diversification in two geographies: traditional resilience zones and zones vulnerable to VEO recruitment/violence.

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Tuesday, January 9, 2018 - 10:30am