Speeches Shim
Food and Humanitarian Assistance

USAID’s Office of Food for Peace (FFP) funds the UN World Food Program (WFP) to provide food assistance to 75,600 of the most vulnerable and severely food-insecure people in Djibouti, focusing on refugees and rural, food-insecure households. FFP activities utilize U.S. in-kind food aid in targeted relief and recovery interventions to reduce short-term hunger among rural communities affected by recurrent drought emergencies and increasing food prices, while also supporting asset-creation activities that build community resilience to shocks. In addition, FFP furnishes U.S. in-kind food aid to refugees in Ali Addeh and Hol Hol camps in Ali Sabieh Region and Markazi camp in Obock Region through general food distributions.

In Fiscal Year 2017, FFP began supporting cash-based transfers to complement in-kind food distributions for refugees. These cash transfers aim to improve the nutrition status of refugees by increasing their dietary diversity, as well as expanding their purchasing power and bolstering local markets. FFP also provides funding and in-kind ready-to-use therapeutic food (RUTF) to the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) to treat severe acutely malnourished children under 5 years of age throughout Djibouti. In FY 2017, FFP provided a total of $5.0 million in assistance, including 3,458 Metric Tons of in-kind food aid and cash transfers. USAID/Djibouti provides administrative and logistical support to personnel of USAID/Washington, and the two regional FFP offices (Ethiopia and Nairobi) during their monitoring and evaluation visits to Djibouti.

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