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Transforming Lives

Speeches Shim

A farmer in Arghandab, Kandahar entertains fellow agricultural workers while teaching best practices as part of USAID’s RADP.

These performances have drawn more than 6,600 spectators from across the four provinces since April. Farmers laughed along with friends and neighbors, but also walked away with valuable knowledge. Shows have covered topics such as pomegranate harvest techniques, vaccinating against livestock diseases, and wheat fertilizer application.

Barakat Bazr employees clean the sesame seeds before they make their way down the dehulling line

Each time a case of sesame seeds left the Barakat Bazr factory in Herat, Masood* knew that it was a lost opportunity. The seeds were sold unprepared, making them 40 percent cheaper at just $1,350 per metric ton.

Mohammad Saber prints off in large-format using the new digital printer

When Mohammad Saber and Mohammad Asif started Zarnegar, a printing press in Mazari Sharif, it was boom time in the capital of northern Afghanistan’s Balkh province. It was 1999 and Mazari Sharif was rapidly becoming one of Afghanistan’s more important economic hubs. Posters and billboards dotted the city, proof of a flourishing advertising industry.
