Speeches Shim
Through the Disease Surveillance and Prevention project, USAID supports the World Health Organization to collect information on a weekly basis on 15 targeted communicable diseases in Afghanistan. By monitoring sites in all 34 provinces, the project provides accurate and timely data on the outbreak of disease and seasonal trends. Investigations result in quick action to mitigate disease outbreaks and prevent epidemics. The project also coordinates health surveillance in the field, disseminates public health information, and collaborates with the Global Polio Eradication Initiative and Expanded Program on Immunizations.
The USAID Health Sector Resiliency (HSR) project supports the Government of Afghanistan to foster a stronger and increasingly self-reliant health system. The project’s objectives are to improve health sector governance and accountability, increase government financing for priority health services, and strengthen human resource systems at the Afghan Ministry of Public Health (MoPH). HSR works at the national and sub-national levels, applying best practices in health governance and accountability. HSR also supports the MoPH to implement the World Bank-funded System Enhancement for Health Action in Transition (SEHAT) and subsequent (SEHATMANDI) initiatives.
The TSS project aims to improve market linkages and exports for Afghan companies to increase income and create new jobs through facilitation of trade shows, business and investment events, exhibitions, and other fora where Afghan businesses can interact with potential buyers.
The goal of Challenge TB is to expand the use of the Directly Observed Treatment and Short-Course (DOTS) approach to treating tuberculosis (TB). It involves a medically-trained individual directly observing TB patients as they take their medicine; DOTS also incorporates strong patient monitoring protocols. Close monitoring and therapy ensure that patients take their medication and make them feel more comfortable in completing lengthy treatment regimens. Adhering to the treatment is critical to treating and curing TB and preventing strains of drug-resistant TB. The Challenge TB (CTB) project also seeks to improve the management of Afghanistan’s National Tuberculosis Control Program (NTP).
The Goldozi Project ("Goldozi" is Dari for "Embroidery") is designed to upgrade the skills of and increase access to market information for15,000 vulnerable female embroiderers in and around Kabul, thereby increasing the commercial and export potential of their products. This tested approach will also create a class of over 500 trained and certified sales agents who are equipped with new skills and access to market insights, connect them to embroiderers and other actors along the value chain, and build and promote a strong brand that advertises the authenticity and ethical production of its product lines.
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