Kabul University of Medical Sciences Honors 25 Associate Degree Graduates

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Kabul University of Medical Sciences Honors 25 Associate Degree Graduates
Kabul University of Medical Sciences Honors 25 Associate Degree Graduates

For Immediate Release

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Kabul, Afghanistan – Kabul University of Medical Sciences (KUMS) hosted an official graduation ceremony to recognize the first cohort of 25 graduates, including five women, who are receiving a Biomedical Equipment Technology Associate Degree (BMET).

KUMS established the BMET program with financial assistance from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) University Support and Workforce Development Program (USWDP), and technical expertise provided by the United States-based Community Colleges of Spokane.

“As healthcare and technology continue to expand in Afghanistan, it is essential to have technicians who can keep these services running efficiently through inspection and repair,” said USAID Mission Director Herbie Smith. “These graduates demonstrate the important relationship between universities and the workforce and how essential technology degrees are becoming for the 21st-century.”

This two-and-half-year degree program is a university-level degree program for students aspiring to be medical equipment technicians and meet the ever-growing demand of the medical equipment industry. By the completion of the degree program, students will acquire skills in installation, inspection, calibration, servicing, and repairing medical equipment. All graduates will enter the job market through a robust semester-long internship program.

With almost $17 billion spent on development programs in Afghanistan since 2002, USAID provides the largest bilateral civilian assistance program to Afghanistan. USAID partners with the government and people of Afghanistan to ensure economic growth led by the country’s private sector, to establish a democratic and capable state governed by the rule of law, and to provide basic health and education services for all Afghans.