Home » News and Information » Fact Sheets » University Support and Workforce Development Program (USWDP)
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- Duration:
Dec 2013 – Sept 2019 - Value: $93 million
USAID’s USWDP assists the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) and 11 public universities to support the establishment of higher education programs that are most relevant to the Afghan job market.
The project links universities and potential employers in the public and private sectors, helps Afghan higher education institutions create and tailor curricula to market needs, and strengthens university management. Partnering universities include: Kabul University, Kabul Polytechnic University, Kabul Medical University, Shaheed Rabbani Education University, Nangarhar University, Herat University, Balkh University, Kandahar University, Kunduz University, Khost University, and Jowzjan University.
- Training staff and providing resources to the MoHE and 11 public universities to strengthen management skills, including procurement, finance, curricula development, and accreditation.
- Improving the strength of academic programs of 11 universities and linking universities to public and private sector employers so that new academic degrees fit the demand for skilled workers.
- Establishing partnerships between selected Afghan and U.S. universities to start new Associate, Bachelor and Master Degree programs. The partner universities help the Afghan public universities in developing new curricula, policy documents, training programs for faculty members, and implementing the new syllabus.
- Providing scholarships for faculty members from public universities to upgrade academic and professional qualifications.
- Developing quality assurance and accreditation policies, and conducting capacity building programs at the MoHE to facilitate the accreditation process for both public and private universities.
- Launched and supported 31 new and existing Associate, Bachelor, and Master Degree programs at the 11 target universities.
- Conducted overseas exchange programs for 355 faculty members to enhance their academic and professional development.
- Signed partnerships with 13 U.S.-based universities to work with Afghan universities to initiate new degrees or support existing degrees (associate, undergraduate and graduate).
- Awarded more than 120 scholarships to faculty members and women to enhance their academic qualifications through Master’s Degree programs. Trained 2,883 university leaders and administrators in professional development activities.
- Installed a unified Information Communication Technology system at the MoHE and 11 public universities.
- Provided technical support to eight universities to be designated “financially autonomous institutions” by the MoHE.
- Enrolled 5,000 students in USAID-supported degree programs.
- Increased overall women participation to 30% in short and long-term academic programs.
- Provided workforce training programs to 7,930 students and allowed 1,306 students to gain valuable experience in internship programs.
- Introduced the ‘edX’ and the AfghanX online platforms with the MoHE to enhance public universities knowledge of online education, and made course material accessible to students and faculty.
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