ADS Reference 621mad

Speeches Shim

Improving the Determination Process for Deobligating Unliquidated Balances in Prior Year Travel Authorizations (TAs)

Mandatory Reference for ADS Chapter 621

New Reference Date: 09/28/2007
Responsible Office: M/CFO/FPS
File Name: 621mad_092807_cd49


Per ADS 621, Obligations, only the Bureau for Management, Office of Administrative Services, Travel and Transportation Division (M/AS/TT), the Bureau for Management, Office of the Chief Financial Officer (M/CFO), and Mission Controllers have the authority to deobligate unliquidated funds in Travel Authorizations (TAs). Striving for an efficient division of labor, it was recently decided that M/AS/TT would be responsible for deobligating funds in current year TAs while M/CFO has the responsibility for deobligating funds in prior year TAs. Mission Controllers, with proper approval, is responsible for deobligating current and prior year TA funds.