ADS Reference 519maa

Speeches Shim

USAID - Space Standards Summary

Additional Reference for ADS Chapter 501

Filename: 519maa_051707_w060607_cd48


The following are planning guidelines that are necessary to meet code or agency directives.

  1. Primary corridors must be a minimum of 44 inches clear, secondary corridors must be a minimum of 36 inches clear.
  2. Slab to slab partitions are specified in suite demising walls, AA suites, and large conference rooms
  3. Overhead storage is to be used in workstations, not freestanding Bookcases.
  4. All offices or conference rooms receive a standard side light.
  5. Unican locks and auto door openers will not be used unless a special need or security requirement is present.
  6. All new doors shall receive a standard coat hook.



Wednesday, November 6, 2013 - 1:30pm