ADS Chapter 505

Speeches Shim

Forms Management Program

Functional Series 500 – Management Services

Document Quality Check Date: 08/24/2012
Partial Revision Date: 12/07/2011
Responsible Office: M/MS/IRD
File Name: 505_082412


The goals of the Forms Management Program are

  • To develop, generate, and use forms;
  • To increase the usefulness of forms as administrative tools by standardizing and simplifying them, and applying acceptable forms design standards;
  • To achieve savings in all areas of Agency operations by periodically reviewing information requirements, eliminating nonessential or duplicate forms, consolidating similar or related forms and procedures, and strongly encouraging the use of electronic forms obtainable from the Internet and intranet to reduce Agency printing costs;
  • To minimize the time required to prepare, use, and file forms;
  • To provide assistance and technical advice to managers and staff; and
  • To ensure that all forms fulfill data collection, transmission, and summarization requirements.