Flag of Yemen


Speeches Shim

USAID improves access to safe water for vulnerable populations in Yemen.
June 25, 2020

The Yemen Continuous Learning and Evaluation (YCLE) project evaluates the performance and results of USAID activities while helping USAID learn and adapt for improved effectiveness. YCLE provides effective program performance monitoring and operational context insights; evaluates the performance and results of USAID/Yemen activities; and facilitates learning and adaptation for improved effectiveness. The project also enhances USAID’s MEL systems and staff capacity, including of local organizations, and provides third-party monitoring (TPM) of USAID activities in Yemen.

The activity improves access to safe water through rehabilitation of water supply systems.
June 4, 2020

The Comprehensive WASH Support to Conflict Affected Populations in Yemen (CWS) project improves access to safe and adequate water supply and basic sanitation infrastructure for households, health facilities, schools. The project builds resiliency through complementary hygiene practices to maximize and enhance health-seeking behaviors among the most vulnerable communities.

Addressing WASH Services in Yemen improves vulnerable populations’ access to adequate water and sanitation systems.
May 17, 2020

The Addressing WASH Services in Yemen project focuses on the most vulnerable internally displaced persons and host-community households in targeted districts and governorates. The project improves vulnerable populations’ access to adequate water and sanitation systems and increases their awareness and knowledge of hygiene practices. The project also builds the capacities of public and private service providers.

March 23, 2020

03.06.20 - USG Yemen Complex Emergency Fact Sheet #5 - Arabic

March 9, 2020

03.06.20 - USG Yemen Complex Emergency Program Map
