Strengthening Yemen's Social Safety Net

Speeches Shim

To support and reinforce the capacity of Yemeni institutions in their ability to lead the country's recovery efforts, this activity works with the Social Fund for Development in sectors that will be critical as people affected by the conflict start rebuilding their lives.

Against a backdrop of persistent conflict, a breakdown of state institutions and loss of income has weakened the coping capacity and resilience of Yemeni households and communities. The health system in Yemen is crumbling, and as a result a staggering 14.7 million people lack adequate healthcare. Less than half of all health facilities are fully functional. Widespread displacement, damage to schools, and general insecurity has left millions of children without reliable access to schooling. Even if some of the challenges facing the country cannot be addressed as the conflict rages, immediate efforts are needed to mitigate the impact of the current crisis on households and communities while strengthening local institutions and service delivery.


USAID/Yemen is progressively improving livelihoods in sectors that are critical to the country’s recovery by working with UNDP and the Yemeni Social Fund for Development (SFD). The SFD is an important social safety net institution that provides cash-for-work and training opportunities to Yemenis. The SFD simultaneously improves community infrastructure and service delivery while ensuring that Yemenis are building the skills that will help them gain sustainable employment opportunities. This activity will include:

  • Skills training for women and youth: USAID is supporting training for women and youth that will allow them to serve as teachers and social workers in their community, filling critical gaps resulting from the conflict. This training will include components on nutrition, health, and peacebuilding that are critical in the current environment.
  • Training for community midwives and paramedics: Roughly 1,000 paramedics and community midwives are completing trainings or refresher courses on technical skills that will help mothers and newborns in vulnerable rural areas without access to formal healthcare facilities. Trainings on financial and business management are also helping midwives establish their own independent clinics.
  • Training and equipment for fisherfolks and coffee farmers: This activity is providing almost 3,500 fishers and coffee farmers with the tools and training they need to increase their yields and access international markets, while also helping them adapt to constraints created by the conflict and promote sustainable practices and use of renewable energy. Women working in fisheries and farming have been especially impacted by the conflict and are specifically included in this activity.
  • Building capacity of the SFD: This activity will help strengthen the SFD’s ability to implement quality programs, oversee its work, maintain international standards for transparency and reporting, and coordinate with Yemeni and international partners. Through this, USAID will help ensure the SFD can continue to provide Yemenis with cash for work programs, critical job training, and public works activities.


Social Fund for Development (SFD) through United Nations Development Program (UNDP)