AAPD 17-01 Archived

Speeches Shim

Title: Archived AAPD 17-01: Defense Base Act (DBA) Insurance for 2015-2020 – Replaced by AAPD 17-01 REVISED

Subject Category: Acquisition Management

PURPOSE:  In accordance with ADS 302, this AAPD provides Defense Base Act (DBA) rates and contact information based on USAID’s contract with Allied World Assurance Company (AWAC). This AAPD replaces AAPD 16-04 in its entirety.  The majority of this information was previously provided in AAPD 16-04; however, modification 01 to the DBA contract in November 2016 changed the wage determination language, as reflected in Section 3. GUIDANCE, A. RATES, Note: 4) of this AAPD in bold italicized text below.  All other information remains the same.

AAPDs provide information of significance to all agency personnel and partners involved in the Acquisition and Assistance process.  Information includes (but is not limited to): advance notification of changes in acquisition or assistance regulations; reminders; procedures; and general information.  Also, AAPDs may be used to implement new requirements on short-notice, pending formal amendment of acquisition or assistance regulations.

Date Issued: 
Wednesday January 18, 2017

Monday, March 11, 2019 - 2:45pm