Complex Crises Fund

Speeches Shim


Congress first appropriated Complex Crises Fund (CCF) resources in 2010 to enable the USAID Administrator, in consultation with the Secretary of State, to support programs to prevent or respond to emerging or unforeseen complex crises overseas. CCF funding allows the U.S. Government to respond to rapidly changing, complex crises that include a combination of humanitarian, political, and security dimensions. USAID deploys CCF when there is an unanticipated and overwhelming urgent need (or window of opportunity) where a U.S. Government response will help stem the rise of violent conflict and instability or advance the consolidation of peace and democracy. CCF funding contributes to overarching U.S. national security goals and is critical in situations where neglecting to act could jeopardize foreign policy interests in the near-term or impede long-term development goals. USAID has utilized CCF in 29 countries to date.


South Sudan: CCF is supporting an intervention to reach citizens with timely, accurate information about South Sudan’s peace process, counter misinformation, and promote conflict mitigation and reconciliation in communities across the country.  Activities leverage independent radio networks to disseminate critical information and facilitate dialogue on peace and security issues.  ($4.2 million)

Mozambique: CCF will address insecurity in Cabo Delgado province that threatens to destabilize a region critical to the country’s future economic growth and security.  Programming will focus on mitigating the drivers of instability and violent extremism through activities to strengthen the economic and civic empowerment of youth and promote constructive engagement between communities and local governments.  ($2 million)

Bangladesh: CCF is responding to risks of instability and violence in host communities in Cox’s Bazar and surrounding areas.  Activities focus on improving access to reliable information, building capacity for non-violent conflict resolution, and addressing gaps in the prevention of trafficking in persons and protection of trafficking victims.  ($3.2 million)

Burkina Faso:  In alignment with the Government of Burkina Faso’s Sahel Emergency Plan, CCF activities will strengthen the capacity of local governments and citizens to work together to address inter-related development and security concerns, mitigate conflict, and develop community-driven strategies to reduce vulnerability to violent extremism.  ($2 million)


  • Start Date: 2010
  • USAID Appropriations to Date: $322.9 million (including transfers) 
  • Activities Funded to Date: $258.9 million