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For Immediate Release
Kampala, October 29, 2020 – The United States Embassy and U.S. Agency for International Development are pleased to announce the launch of a $5 million, Uganda Rights and Justice Activity (USAID/RAJA).
The three-year activity, implemented by Freedom House, will facilitate participation of women, youth, children, and other vulnerable populations in accessing justice through legal aid, providing referrals for psycho-social support, and strengthening local civil society groups to advocate for human rights in Uganda. USAID/RAJA aims to help members of vulnerable population groups who are victims of human rights abuses access justice, protection, and referral services.
“The advancement of human rights is the cornerstone of a democratic society. We believe every citizen of Uganda is entitled to the right to life, liberty, and personal security. Ugandans should have the right to access justice and freedom of expression,” stated the USAID Mission Director for Uganda, Richard Nelson.
USAID/RAJA seeks to ensure that Ugandan citizens understand and exercise their civil and political rights in a safe and secure manner. The activity builds on the achievements of the previous USAID Rights and Rule of law Activity, which worked to advance rule of law and protection of human rights in Uganda.
USAID’s development approach is to work hand-in-hand with Ugandan partners—be it the private sector, faith-based organizations, or civic leaders—to address the needs of average Ugandans and generate broad-based prosperity and a shared stake in the future. The United States has a broad and strong partnership with Uganda and its people. Annually, the United States government invests approximately $1 billion in Ugandan communities to promote economic growth and employability, improve health and education, uphold democratic values, and strengthen security.
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