Statement from USAID Administrator Mark Green on Yemen

Press Release Shim

Speeches Shim

For Immediate Release

Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Office of Press Relations
Telephone: +1.202.712.4320 | Email:

The United States remains extremely concerned about the dire humanitarian situation in Yemen. Over the last week, fighting in Sana'a has intensified-killing and injuring hundreds of people. This spike in violence has brought increased suffering to a city of more than one million people who are now trapped inside their homes.

We call on all parties to the conflict to protect civilians and the humanitarians who work at great personal risk to deliver life-saving assistance. All parties must also allow for the safe movement of civilians and humanitarians.

Years of conflict have already led Yemen to the largest food security emergency and the worst cholera outbreak in the world. This increase in violence without concern for civilians or aid workers will only make the humanitarian crisis worse.

The continued flow of commercial goods to Yemen and within the country is a humanitarian imperative, as the country imports 90 percent of its food, and most of its fuel and medicines. All parties must enable the unfettered and increased flow of commercial goods and fuel from all ports of entry to reach nearly 21 million people in need. We remain committed to supporting the people of Yemen while we work to end the conflict through a comprehensive peace agreement.