We Are Pemba: Sharing Messages of Hope and Resilience in Mozambique

Speeches Shim

Tuesday, January 12, 2021
In response to heightened tensions, the USAID/OTI Tuko Pamoja program identified the Pemba Day celebrations as an opportunity to spread messages of resilience by utilizing a community roadshow in five key Pemba neighborhoods that host IDPs.

“The city of Pemba is ours, and based on movements like this, we want to show that you are part of this city and say that you are resilient and have self-initiative. We are not only sharing a party but also ideas of ways you can get involved in some activities in a way that can restart your life.” 

— Male Community Leader in Pemba, Mozambique

Showcasing Solidarity Between Residents and IDPs

On October 18, 2020, the city of Pemba, Mozambique celebrated its 62nd anniversary. In previous years, communities within the city would come together to celebrate and reaffirm Pemba’s history, identity, values, and vision. This year, however, conflict is at the city’s doorstep. Pemba hosts an estimated 80,000 Cabo Delgado citizens who have been displaced by conflict in the region. Already scarce resources and services are at a breaking point, with COVID-19 further compounding these stressors and increasing the risk of instability emerging between host communities and internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Pemba.

In response to these heightened tensions, the USAID/OTI Tuko Pamoja program identified the Pemba Day celebrations as an opportunity to spread messages of resilience by utilizing a community roadshow in five key Pemba neighborhoods that host IDPs. The Mayor and representatives from the municipality attended the opening ceremony, as did community leaders and residents of each target neighborhood. Afterward, OTI’s partner drove trucks around the neighborhoods, playing music and displaying messages focused on solidarity and unity between host communities and IDPs. 

Community leaders and IDPs later affirmed the importance and positive effects of the initiative, which represented a joint effort between the Municipal Council of Pemba, community-based organizations New Vision and UKHAVIERA, and the Tuko Pamoja. Spreading these messages is key to help mitigate psychosocial stressors caused by the multi-layered challenges facing Pemba, and also to help alleviate grievances such as the feelings of marginalization that IS-M exploits when seeking recruits and support.


“Today is the day of the city of Pemba, and we are together with New Vision and USAID. I am so thankful for this day and celebration. Not only me, a lot of other displaced persons.” 
– Male IDP from Mocimboa da Praia

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