Speeches Shim
Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.
Nakon što je Zorana Lazarević diplomirala na Fakultetu umetnosti Univerziteta u Nišu, shvatila je da ne može da zarađuje kao profesorka muzičkog obrazovanja. Suočena sa finansijskim poteškoćama, rizikovala je i izabrala karijeru u IT sektoru, koji je perspektivan i brzo se razvija.
Fishing is one of the biggest industries in Southeast Asia, and working conditions on fishing boats are often extremely difficult. Highlighting this issue can be challenging, so celebrities who are used to being in the spotlight and can reach millions, are helping to do just that.
Oko 50 odsto mladih u Srbiji je nezaposleno, a ipak samo mali broj njih razmišlja da pokreni sopstveni posao. Zvanična statistika pokazuje da preduzetnici u Srbiji doprinose BDP-u sa manje od osam odsto, što pokazuje da je preduzetništvo u Srbiji nedovoljno razvijeno. Nedostatak znanja, iskustva i resursa glavni su razlozi što mladi ljudi biraju da ne budu sami svoje gazde.
Sa predškolskim ustanovama i obdaništima koji često imaju prepune kapacitete na Kosovu, samohranim roditeljima posebno je teško da obezbede da im neko čuva decu. Ali sada, neki gradovi nude besplatnu brigu o deci, u korist kako dece tako i njihovih roditelja. Sve je ovo krenulo diskusijom o socijalnim pitanjima.
As a traditional healer in Ikombaboba village in Tanzania’s Tabora region, Albert Cosmas uses rituals and herbal remedies, learned from his grandfather, to heal people. He doesn't perform male circumcisions—it's not a norm for his community. When he learned that voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) services for HIV prevention would soon be available, he never envisioned becoming a VMMC “ambassador.”
With no new reported cases of Ebola, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared West Africa free of the deadly disease on Jan. 14, 2016—a day of joy and celebration for the region. In Sierra Leone alone, nearly 4,000 people had died during the latest outbreak of Ebola—a devastating toll for a country still struggling with the after-effects of a prolonged rebel war.
South Sudan now has more children not attending school than any other country, according to the United Nations—1.8 million children aged 6 to 15.
Under the afternoon sun in the Philippines, harvested grain lays on a solar dryer before processing in a rice mill. Three feet away from the mounds of grain, Anna Grace Cabillo, secretary of the Kasaganahan Irrigators Association Inc., keeps watch.
Demand for wildlife products in China and Southeast Asia is driving many species toward extinction. Taking the spotlight off themselves, celebrities in the region are helping to shine a light on the issue.
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