Transforming Lives

Speeches Shim

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

In 1882, the Government of Absynnia (now Ethiopia) gifted one of its iconic zebras to President of France Jules Grevy. The exotic animal was then recognized as its own species of zebra and given the name Grevy’s zebra. This species of zebra is identified and differentiated from other zebra species by its fine close-set stripes, white belly, and large ears, among other traits.

To improve the effectiveness of Albania’s public sector, in 2012 USAID’s Planning and Local Governance Project partnered with Co-PLAN Institute for Habitat Development, an Albanian NGO dedicated to sustainable urban planning, to research on how Albanian cities can apply new financial instruments, such as land value capture, to increase revenues. 

The village of Bankass in the Mopti region of Mali was once known for its excellent millet and sorghum production. Nowadays, however, the impact of weather fluctuations is felt throughout the country, especially in areas like Bankass with low rainfall and weak soil.

Jul 2018 – Nakon što je Dragica Antonijević 2009. godine izgubila svoj posao u fabrici, počela je da razmišlja o načinima na koje bi mogla finansijski da podržava svoju porodicu. Sa dvoje dece i nezaposlenim suprugom, morala je naći način da generiiše prihode za preživljavanje.

Potpuno opremljena porodičnim receptima koje su joj preneli njena baka i majka, Dragica je započela pekarski biznis.

The saying “land does not deceive anyone” has become the motto of Alassane Berthe, a farmer who works on the lush green landscape in Sanoubougou village located in Mali’s southern region of Sikasso. While many young people in the region are tempted by urban migration, or work in traditional gold mining sites where they risk their lives, Berthe decided to stay with his family and invest in the land.

Thousands of Somali families escaped their homes when the 2017 drought paralyzed their villages, destroyed their livestock, and led to their children’s deaths. Without food, water or income, many traveled long distances to settle in large internally displaced persons (IDP) camps in and around Baidoa, the capital of South West state.

Faktoje is a critical element of USAID’s Justice for All reforms in Albania, which is helping improve government transparency and accountability through responsible journalism.

Since the spillover of the Boko Haram conflict from Nigeria to Niger’s Diffa region in 2015, nothing is the same. Violence, insecurity and fear have affected all areas of life, displacing hundreds of thousands and putting many lives on hold.

When Nyantau Machoch and her six children arrived in Ethiopia’s Jewi refugee camp, they were relieved and grateful to receive nutrient-packed biscuits, the first food they had eaten in days. The family had traveled through the bush on foot from their home in war-torn South Sudan, as gunshots rang out around them. They survived on leaves and wild fruits, which filled their stomachs but made them sick.
