Transforming Lives

Speeches Shim

Every day, all over the world, USAID brings peace to those who endure violence, health to those who struggle with sickness, and prosperity to those who live in poverty. It is these individuals — these uncounted thousands of lives — that are the true measure of USAID’s successes and the true face of USAID's programs.

Women in Lowoma village, a remote chiefdom in Kenema district, eastern Sierra Leone, are among the poorest in the country. Their most important means of generating family and community income include petty trading and peasant farming.

In the south of Mali, members of the Fanidiama village community gather under a large tree to learn about the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding.

As the morning sun rays hit the Subukia village in Kenya’s Nakuru County, hundreds rise and leave their homes for daily labor. Living among them is Elizabeth Wangombe Wangui, a 47-year-old dairy farmer.

Muna*, a 31-year-old mother of eight, has seen her farm in Somalia grow, even as the country suffers from a severe drought and risk of famine. Muna also cares for her elderly mother and ill nephew, and is expecting this season’s harvest to be large enough to feed her family for up to six months with sorghum and beans left over to sell at market.

Stvaranje poslovnih mogućnosti za kosovska preduzeća je presudno za razvoj privatnog sektora na Kosovu. Jedan od glavnih izazova sa kojim se neprekidno suočavaju kosovska mikro, mala i srednja preduzeća (MMSP) su ograničene mogućnosti za finansiranje.

July 2017—Electricity supply: Few really think about it much until their lights (or their television) go dark. But having a choice in who supplies electricity has won fans in the private sector in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) who are racking up cost savings that could turn into investment and much-needed jobs.

Fuša je jedna od 185 Kosovaca koji su dobili stipendiju za diplomske akademske studije u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama pod USAID-ovim Programom transformacionog liderstva—stipendija i partnerstava. Vreme koje je provela studirajući na Državnom univerzitetu u Koloradu, na globalnom MBA programu iz oblasti društvenog i održivog preduzeća, pomoglo je da je transformiše, kako lično tako i profesionalno.

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan hosts approximately 660,000 registered Syrian refugees, and its census records reflect a population increase of 1.4 million since the beginning of the Syrian crisis in 2011. Over 80 percent of the refugees live outside of camps, in Jordanian communities throughout the country.

For children living in neighborhoods in the north of Morocco, walking to school is filled with peril. Cars whizzing through school zones at high speeds make the simple act of crossing the street a dangerous feat.
