Speeches Shim
USAID’s Anti-Harassment Policy ensures that the Agency takes immediate, effective measures to end the harassment. Any reported allegations of harassment, discrimination or retaliation will be reviewed appropriately
USAID employees are required, and implementing partners are encouraged, to report all allegations of sexual misconduct that affect beneficiaries — whether the allegations involve USAID personnel, grantees or contractors — to the Office of the Inspector General at ig.hotline@usaid.gov. For grants, see Implementing Partner Notice #6; for contracts, see Implementing Partner Notice #10. Allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse that involve employees of USAID’s grantees or contractors must be reported to the relevant USAID Agreement or Contracting Officer.
Projekat sarađuje sa Ministarstvom finansija na pregledu i analizi postojećih parafiskalnih nameta. Na osnovu analize, projekat će predložiti izmene i reforme kako bi nameti koji nemaju veze sa porezima bili transparentniji. Projekat takođe radi na podizanju svesti građana o parafiskalnim nametima tako što ih uključuje u proces reformi i radi na izradi registra parafiskalnih nameta koji se nalazi na internet stranici.
Projekat će osnovati Korisnički centar za javno-privatni dijalog kako bi podsticao kulturu dijaloga u vezi sa osnovnim ekonomskim reformama. brojne organizacije biće angažovane da pomognu u zastupanju reformi specifičnih za različite sektore kao i da služe kao mentori.
USAID-ov Projekat za konkurentnu privredu je četvorogodišnja aktivnost, vredna 12 miliona dolara, koja je posvećena jačanju konkurentnosti srpske industrije prerade hrane, naročito sektora voća i povrća. Cilj projekta je povećanje prodaje srpskih prehrambenih proizvoda na domaćem i međunarodnom tržištu.
Projekat za odgovornu vlast je četvorogodišnji projekat, vredan 8,5 miliona dolara, koji sarađuje sa ključnim partnerima u Srbiji u cilju unapređenja odgovornosti vlasti na nacionalnom i lokalnom nivou.
On May 21, the Syrian Arab Republic Government (SARG) regained control of southern Damascus’ Al Hajar al-Aswad neighborhood and the adjoining unofficial Yarmouk Palestinian refugee camp—the last two areas of Damascus held by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS)—bringing Damascus under complete SARG control for the first time since 2011. The UN reports that SARG military operations resulted in at least 60 civilian deaths and widespread destruction of Yarmouk’s infrastructure.
USAID promotes the growth of enterprises that can serve as buyers and suppliers for U.S. businesses, creating jobs that give rise to real economic growth and political stability for both the United States and our African partners. As USAID supports African countries on their journey to prosperity and self-reliance, we also create new opportunities for U.S. businesses, investments, and transatlantic trade.
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has contributed $8 million dollars to support the joint Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and World Health Organization (WHO) Strategic Response Plan to the outbreak (currently budgeted at $56.7 million). In addition to this funding, USAID has provided personal protective equipment, laboratory supplies, the mobilization of two existing mobile labs, and a robust presence on the ground.
USAID recognizes the importance of a regional approach to effectively solve transnational problems. As such, across all sectors, we partner with regional institutions, including the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and its constituent bodies, multilateral organizations that are firmly established in the region, and other organizations that are regional technical leaders.
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