Fact Sheets

Speeches Shim

Albania’s government has prioritized job creation and strengthening key sectors, including tourism. The direct contribution of travel and tourism to GDP in 2013 was 4.8% of GDP while the total contribution (including wider effects from investment and the supply chain) was about 17% according to the World Travel and Tourism Council. It is expected that the contribution to GDP from this sector will increase in coming years.

USAID/Albania projects work to improve government and judicial accountability, transparency, and efficiency. We partner with government institutions, the media, and civil society organizations to support transparent and efficient systems that hold public officials accountable to its citizens and minimize corruption in government, the judiciary, and financial sectors.

IntoAlbania will develop an advanced digital platform - IntoAlbania.com - which combined with a smartphone application, promises to become the largest digital marketplace for tourists and local visitors.

Projekat vladavine prava je četvorogodišnji projekat vredan 9,8 miliona dolara, koji podržava reforme u pravosuđu koje omogućavaju blagovremenu pravdu za građane Srbije. Projekat sarađuje sa sudovima, javnim izvršiteljima i državnim pravobranilaštvom kako bi unapredio efikasnost pravosuđa, transparentnost i pristup pravdi.  

The Syrian Arab Republic Government (SARG) regained control of southwestern Syria in late July following a military offensive against armed opposition groups (AOGs) and militant groups in the region. Military operations continued to kill civilians and resulted in additional displacement throughout July, and up to 184,000 people remained displaced in southwestern Syria as of August 1, the UN reports. Humanitarian organizations also report limited access to vulnerable populations in the region following the offensive.

The Women, Peace and Security Act of 2017 recognizes that the inclusion of women in efforts to maintain global peace and security makes such efforts more effective. As such, the United States is committed to increasing women’s meaningful participation in peacekeeping and security operations. As a result, USAID is partnering with the Department of Defense through the U.S. European Command on a project to build community resiliency and sustainability in Albania through activities that will contribute to the prevention of social exclusion, violent extremism, radicalization, marginalization, recruitment and conflict.

The purpose of the USAID/Albania “Demand Change” activity is to develop and implement thematic public awareness campaigns to amplify the development impact of USAID’s work in Albania. Albanian public relations and design firms will produce and disseminate thematic public awareness campaigns to amplify the development impact of USAID’s work in Albania.

Diber: Trails and Tradition project seeks to increase employment, particularly among youth and women, and to increase incomes of Diber families involved in the tourism supply chain. The project aims to develop and promote sustainable tourism enterprises in communities in northern Albania.

People First is a 24-month human resources focused project that leverages private sector expertise to promote employability of Albanians in the tourism sector through the provision of employer-valued technical and practical trainings. The project creates partnerships between prospective employees, Vocational Training Centers, and businesses, and establish pathways for prospective employees, particularly youth and women, to gain skills and enter the workforce. The project focuses in four regions: Albania’s southern coast, Durres-Kavaja corridor, Shkodra and Albania’s northern mountains, and the Korca region including Lake Ohrid, Pogradec, and Voskopoja.

The AgroTourism project aims to improve the living conditions of inhabitants of rural areas of Shkodra, Malësi e Madhë and Puka through employment in a sustainable and vibrant agro-tourism sector. The project will support the creation of replicable agrotourism models, providing technical assistance to six fully operational agro-tourism farms in the region. It is implemented by an Albanian NGO, CEED Albania, which provides entrepreneurs business know-how through its accelerator programs and connects participants to mentors and to a community of entrepreneurs that can help take their small businesses to next level.
